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English-Hindi > transfer circuit

transfer circuit meaning in Hindi

transfer circuit sentence in Hindi

अंतरण परिपथ
स्‍थानांतरण परिपथ
transfer    परिवहन स्थानांतर
circuit    घेरा चक्कर दौरा
1.Photomasks essentially are blueprints that transfer circuit designs on to the semiconductors.

2.Photomasks are used to transfer circuit patterns onto silicon wafers in making integrated circuits, which are used in electronic devices ranging from computers to compact disc players.

3.Her research has been associated with the development of one of the key implementation issues of Ultra High Heat Engineering : creation of a reliable and efficient Chemical Water Treatment of Heat Transfer Circuits of Boilers.

How to say transfer circuit in Hindi and what is the meaning of transfer circuit in Hindi? transfer circuit Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.